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Jens Jensen: The Living Green

The grounds of the Hauberg Estate (c.1911) in Rock Island, Illinois represents a masterwork of pioneer landscape architect Jens Jensen (1860-1951). Even with most of his work found in the Midwest, few exist; this is especially true of his residential designs, which are threatened by changes in modern land development and urban sprawl. Jens Jensen designed around 350 private estates, but only around 35 exist with their complete design largely intact. One of the great things about this restoration project at Hauberg Estate is the great level of documentation. Not only do we have Jens Jensen’s plans for the grounds, but hundreds of photographs of landscape plants and features, that capture many decades of the grounds. The native plantings from Jens Jensen’s design are a wonderful educational tool to teach native plants, ecology of their seeds and the role of soil to the community. The Living Green documentary is a powerful film about the power and beauty of the nature around us seen through the eyes of Jens Jensen. We will show the film at the estate, lead discussion about his work around Illinois and its impacts, and then give a tour of the grounds. We would like to do this 10-12 times over the next two years. Most citizens of the Quad Cities do not realize the historical importance and natural beauty of the Estate. We intend to first target the general adult audience for showings at the Mansion. Also we have been working with the Rock Island school system to develop programs for the 7 to 12 grade science/environmental classes and at the college level. All participants would receive a copy of our Jens Jensen booklet, showcasing the design, his work, and the Hauberg Family.

The first film showing will be held April 27, 2019.

The Living Green Documentary Trailer

For more information on the film, visit

Jens Jensen’s Hauberg Estate Landscape Design

Historic Photos